A Strange Thing Happened Today…

An unusual occurrence happened today as I went on my daily walk.  You see, my path takes me off the beaten path and deep into the woods. There, I feel as if I can be completely alone – far away from the prying eyes and horrible lies of my fellow man. This morning’s walk was to be unlike any other, however. Today, I would encounter… Well, I’m not sure who I encountered. Or what, for that matter.
I approached a small clearing which contains a small creek, where I often stop to watch the fish. There, in my path there was a man, hooded and cloaked in a robe of nigh unfathomable darkness. The clearing was much darker than normal, and the creek ran blood red, filled with the bodies of dead fish – choked by the bodies, almost. Then the man, he spoke! He spoke to me in a voice not unlike a scratching with iron nails upon the blackboard of my very soul.
He spewed forth his message, saying “These are the days which shall lead to the End. There will be no end of sorrow, and all that was good shall perish. Learn well, and spread my news. We shall speak again.”
With that, he walked silently away. I stood, frozen in place. My mouth was as cotton and my legs were as rubber. Though this messenger bore ominous tidings and dubious credibility, I believed him. I must learn more of this…

And I simply can’t wait.

~ by thevdv on August 19, 2009.

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